Danh sách code game Project Mugetsu
Code Project Mugetsu sẽ giúp bạn nhận về các phần thưởng khác nhau trong trò chơi như quay lại cuộc đua miễn phí, tăng XP và đặt lại nhân vật.

Project Mugetsu là một trò chơi có sẵn trên Roblox dựa trên bộ anime và manga có tên Bleach. Trò chơi gần đây đã trở thành một thành công đáng kinh ngạc với hơn 7 triệu lượt truy cập tại thời điểm này. Trong game bạn sẽ tìm cách chiến đấu để trở thành người chơi mạnh nhất trên máy chủ chứ. Những phần thưởng này chắc chắn sẽ giúp bạn trên con đường của mình.
Danh sách code Project Mugetsu mới nhất
- MoreBalanceChanges2 – 50 spins, 5 reroll pots (NEW)
- FixesSorryForShutdownAgain2 – 3 orbs, 50 spins (NEW)
- NoMoreItemStack – 50 spins, 3 reroll ability potions (NEW)
- GoodbyeMadarasGunbai – 1 mastery boost postion, 1 exp boost potion, 10 spins (NEW)
- 155KLikes1 – Redeem this code for 12 orbs and 125 spins (Expires 5/10/24)
- 155KLikes2 – Redeem this code for 1 mastery boost potion, 1 exp boost potion, 3 reset race
- potion and 25 spins (Expires 5/10/24)
- ClanStorageFix2 – Redeem this code for 250 Spins, 2 Orbs
- ClanStorageFix – Redeem this code for 75 spins, 3 orbs
- ClanStorage – Redeem this code for 180 spins
- 58MillionVisits – Redeem this code for 50 spins, 50k gold, 10 reroll ability potions, 5 legendary orbs
- HaschwalthClan – Redeem this code for 80 Spins
- StarrkClan – Redeem this code for 80 Spins
- TradingHubBack – Redeem this code for 5 ability rerolls , 3 legendary orbs
- Luppi1KFollows – Redeem this code for 30 spins, 12 ability rerolls, 50k gold
- SorryForGiftBugAgain – Redeem this code for 3 orbs, 12 Ability Reroll, 100 spins
- FixedGiftedGamepasses – Redeem this code for 85 spins
- TheyDoneCaughtKona – Redeem this code for 15 spins, 5 legendary orbs
- BANKER – Redeem this code for 3 Orbs, 100 spins
- 152kLikes – Redeem this code for 15 Ability Rerolls, 50 spins
- TradingHubChanges – Redeem this code for 3 leg orbs / 15 spins
- NewRankedWeapons – Redeem this code for 3 Orbs, 50 Spins
- GoodbyeExcalibur – Redeem this code for 10 Reroll Potions, 25 Spins
- FahanTwitter – Redeem this code for Free Rewards
- FahanSorry4Delay2 – Redeem this code for Free Rewards
- CrispyTwitterWoof – Redeem this code for 200 spins, 10 Orbs
- BlackButlerPublicSchoolArc – Redeem this code for 182 Spins, 3 Orbs
- TestOrbCode – Redeem this code for 2 Orbs
- FirstBalanceChange – Redeem this code for 25 Spins, 3 Orbs
- CrispyTwitterWoof – Redeem this code for 200 spins, 10 orbs
- USECODESINMAINMENU – Redeem this code for 200 Spins, 5 Orbs
- CrispyReasonForBugs – Redeem this code for 200 Spins, 5 Orbs
- TYALL – Redeem this code for 3 Race Resets, 1 hour 2x Exp
- 150kLikes – Redeem this code for 100 Spins, 10 Orbs
- MoreXboxFixes – Redeem this code for mastery boost, exp boost, 100000 gold, rerollability
- RaceResetPotionFixAgain – Redeem this code for 3 race reset potions
- QuincyFixes – Redeem this code for 50 spins, 1 leg orb
- AgainSorryForShutdown – Redeem this code for 25 spins, 2 leg orb
- UPDATE2MoreRerolls – Redeem this code for 5 legendary orbs, 100 spins
- UPDATE2MoreRerolls2 – Redeem this code for 5 legendary orbs, 100 spins
- UPDATE2MoreRaceReset – Redeem this code for race reset 2
- LegacyPieceRelease – Redeem this code for 50 Clan Spins
- DemonPieceRelease – Redeem this code for 50 Clan Spins
- Sorry4Update Delay – Redeem this code for 1 Legendary Orb, 25 Clan Spins
- Sorry4UpdateDelay2 – Redeem this code for 1 Legendary Orb, 25 Clan Spins
- UPDATE2RaceReset – Redeem this code for Race Reset
- UPDATE2RaceReset2 – Redeem this code for Race Reset
- UPDATE2Exp – Redeem this code for 2x Exp 1 Hour, 2x Mastery 1 Hour
- UPDATE2Exp2 – Redeem this code for 2x Exp 1 Hour, 150k Gold
- UPDATE2Rerolls – Redeem this code for 2 Legendary Orbs
- UPDATE2Rerolls2 – Redeem this code for 2 Legendary Orbs
- UPDATE2Spins – Redeem this code for 100 Clan Spins
- UPDATE2Spins2 – Redeem this code for 100 Clan Spins
- MINAZUKI – Redeem this code for 1 Ability Reroll
- ICHIMONJI – Redeem this code for 1 Ability Reroll
- NOZARASHI – Redeem this code for 1 Ability Reroll
- SANTATERESA – Redeem this code for 1 Ability Reroll
- FEAR – Redeem this code for 1 Ability Reroll
- HARRIBEL – Redeem this code for 1 Ability Reroll
- CANDICE – Redeem this code for 1 Ability Reroll
- SEGUNDA -Redeem this code for 1 Legendary Orb
- VIZARD – Redeem this code for 1 Legendary Orb
- FULLBRINGER – Redeem this code for 1 Legendary Orb
- HONOREDONE – Redeem this code for 100 Clan Spins
- 2024C2 – Redeem this code for 100 Clan Spins
- 140KLIKESBOOSTS – Redeem this code for 1 hour 30 minutes boosts on 2x on gold / exp / mastery
- 140KLIKESORBS – Redeem this code for 15 orbs lvl 65 requirement
- 140KLIKESREROLL – Redeem this code for ability reroll
- 140KLIKESSPINS – Redeem this code for 115 spins
- 135KLIKESBOOSTS – Redeem this code for 1 hour boosts on 2x on gold / exp / mastery
- 135KLIKESORBS – Redeem this code for 8 orbs lvl 50 requirement
- 135KLIKESREROLL – Redeem this code for 1 ability reroll
- 135KLIKESSPINS – Redeem this code for 125 spins
- 130KLIKESBOOSTS – Redeem this code for 1 hour boosts on 2x on gold / exp / mastery
- 130KLIKESORBS – Redeem this code for 3 orbs lvl 50 requirement
- 130KLIKESREROLL – Redeem this code for 1 ability reroll
- 130KLIKESSPINS – Redeem this code for 85 spins
- PANTERA – Redeem this code for ability reroll
- 125KLIKESBOOSTS – Redeem this code for 1 hour boost on 2x gold/exp/mastery
- 125KLIKESORBS – Redeem this code for 3 orbs lvl 50 requirement
- 125KLIKESREROLL – Redeem this code for ability reroll
- 125KLIKESSPINS – Redeem this code for 85 spins
- SORRYFORSOMANY – Redeem this code for 3 orbs / 185 spins / mastery boost on all
- ULQRES – Redeem this code for ability reroll
- ULQORB – Redeem this code for 1 leg orb (lvl 30+ only)
- EXCALIBUR – Redeem this code for 75 spins / 2x boosts on all
- 120KLIKESREROLL – Redeem this code for ability reroll
- 120KLIKESBOOSTS – Redeem this code for mastery, gold, exp boost
- 120KLIKESORBS – Redeem this code for 3 orbs (Must be Level 30)
- 120KLIKESSPINS – Redeem this code for 85 spins
- JUICYRETURN – Redeem this code for 100 spins and master boost on all
- SUPRISEORBS – Redeem this code for 5 leg orbs
- MAYBEANORBFIX – Redeem this code for 3 legendary orbs
- MOREBUGFIXES – Redeem this code for ability reroll
- ANOTHERSHUTDOWNSORRY – Redeem this code for all mastery boosts and 85 spins
- SORRYFORWANDEN – Redeem this code for 75 spins
- BUGFIXESREROLL – Redeem this code for ability reroll
- MOREORBS – Redeem this code for 1 leg orb
- 110KLIKES – Redeem this code for 100 SPINS
- ABILITYREROLLOCKEDIN – Redeem this code for Ability Reroll
- ABILITYREROLL – Redeem this code for Ability Reroll
- SORRY4BUGS – Redeem this code for 75 spins
- SCHRIFTS – Redeem this code for Ability Reroll
- QUINCY – Redeem this code for Ability Reroll
- SORRYFORTHEWAIT – Redeem this code for Ability Reroll
- NEWCLANS – Redeem this code for 150 Rerolls
- UPDATE1RACERESET – Redeem this code for Race Reset
- UPDATE1 – Redeem this code for Orb and cash
- GAMEMODES – Redeem this code for 2x exp and cash 1 hour
- BANKAIS – Redeem this code for 2x mastery 1 hour
- MothersDayLegendaryOrbndGold – Redeem this code for 2 legendary orbs and 75k gold, only obtainable if ur level 50 or higher
- MothersDaySpins – Redeem this code for 65 spins on every slot
- MothersDayMastery – Redeem this code for 1 hour mastery on all mastery
- OneMonthLegendaryOrb – Redeem this code for 3 legendary orbs only obtainable if u over level 45
- OneMonthLegendarySPINS – Redeem this code for 45 spins on every slot
- OneMonthREROLLAbility – Redeem this code for Reroll Ability
- OneMonthResetRace – Redeem this code for Reset Race
- FINALLY100KLIKES – Redeem this code for 1 legendary orb (only claimable if level 50 or higher), 45k gold, 50 spins, all 2x boosts for 1 hour
- 28MVISTS – Redeem this code for reroll ability
- UPDATESOON – Redeem this code for reroll ability
- 95KLIKES – Redeem this code for Reroll Ability
- 90KLIKES – Redeem this code for Reroll Ability
- 85KLIKES – Redeem this code for 65 Spins
- 160KFAVORITES – Redeem this code for 15k Gold (Level 30+ Only)
Hướng dẫn nhập giftcode Project Mugetsu
- Mở Project Mugetsu trong Roblox và nhấn vào nhân vật của mình.
- Chọn Codes trong menu chính nằm ở phía bên trái giao diện trò chơi.
- Nhập chính xác hoặc sao chép mã code được cung cấp ở trên rồi dán vào ô trống Insert Code.
- Nhấn vào nút Redeem để xác nhận.
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